There are no stats to select from when price checking
If you don't see any stats, or only see basic item properties on weapons/armour, then it means that the tool receives from the game item text without any mods.
Make sure to check the logs first.
- Maybe you've bound an unsupported key for "Advanced Descriptions". For example, APT cannot press mouse buttons.
- Maybe you've non-ALT key bound for "Advanced Descriptions" but the PoE configuration file is in an unusual location.
- Maybe you won't find any clues there at all, simply because it's a key conflict with another running application on your PC.
Anyway, you need to make PoE copy the item with mods when the Ctrl + Highlight + C
is pressed.
What's a "Highlight" key? What should the mods look like in the copied text?
You can see on the images from related page.