You can download Awakened Poe Trade here. Any other mirrors are not known to the developer, downloading from them may be unsafe.

Download linkAutomatic updatesStartup time
Windows 10+ (installer)Fast
Windows 10+ (portable)Slower
Linux (AppImage)n/a
macOS (dmg)n/a

Latest version is 3.25.101

*The app is unsigned, which means you'll have to bypass security warnings on Windows and macOS to open it.


  • PoE display mode
    • ✔ Windowed Fullscreen, Windowed
    • ❌ Fullscreen
  • PoE language
    • ✔ English, Russian
    • ❌ Portuguese, Thai, French, German, Spanish, Korean

No Administrator rights required, but
If you run PoE client as Admin, OS security boundaries take effect. In order for Awakened PoE Trade to have access to the PoE window, it must be started with Administrator rights.

Not compatible with "GeForce Now" or any other cloud gaming service that do not forward clipboard data.